North Alabama American Wine Society
We are a thriving chapter of the American Wine Society.
All members must be active members of the American Wine Society.
Information on joining AWS can be found at the link below.
Membership in AWS is open to anyone aged 21 and over who is interested in learning about wine.
If you have further questions, or are a current AWS member not receiveing our regular communications, please complete this short contact form and we will do our best to get you connected!
NAAWS: A thriving chapter of the North American Wine Society.
The American Wine Society (AWS) is the largest consumer-based wine education organization in North America. Its objective is to share knowledge about winemaking and tasting. With a membership of more than 8,000 people in approximately 180 local chapters — AWS members meet to appreciate and celebrate wine and to talk about the history, culture, and traditions involved in making and tasting wine.
The North Alabama American Wine Society Chapter ---
Meets monthly for tastings and other chapter-sponsored events at various locations in the greater Huntsville/Madison area.
Is Nationally Recognized as a top contributing Chapter to the National AWS Education Scholarship Fund.
Has several AWS Certified Wine Judges (and a few in training) on its active roster. AWS offers an opportunity for its members to participate in a three-year program to become an AWS Certified Wine Judge.
Participates in AWS Annual Conferences. These annual three-day AWS National Wine Conferences feature two full days of educational seminars with nearly 50 sessions to choose from. In 2024 we had over 24 NAAWS members and member affiliates attend. This year's National Conference will be in Chantilly, VA Nov 6 -8, 2025.
2025 Tasting Schedule
You must be an active AWS Member to register for a tasting. If you join AWS, please be sure to select "North Alabama" as one of your chapter selections. Tasting Schedule Current as of January 21, 2025.
The AWS Board strives to open registration for upcoming tastings 21 days prior to the event via our regular newsletter. Chapter Members have priority registration for all events for the first seven days following the announcement. Members may register guests once that priority registration period ends.
Guests may attend up to three tastings. After that, they are required to join AWS for insurance purposes.